Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Divine Healing

As most of you know, Elaine Johnson went to be with her Savior on Sunday, June 11. We had a wonderful celebration of her life last Friday, and we continue to smile and laugh with the many memories and stories we have to share. Grams had been doing well, but apparently God was ready to take her. He is giving us great peace and comfort as we let go. I apologize that we have been so delayed in posting this note. Please continue to keep Gramps, Dad, and the rest of the family in your prayers.

As for Grams, our prayers for her healing have certainly been answered!

Friday, May 26, 2006

Out of the Hospital

Last week Grams was released from the hospital to a care center in Boise. Any concern about leaving the hospital has dispelled as the last few days have gone by. Grams is getting great care and has a lot more flexibility and mobility (frequent trips outside the room, for example). What is more, the caretakers and therapists have been very encouraging. Grams said that in her first day of therapy at the care center she did more therapy and worked harder than she did during her month in rehab. Plus, as she has been working, the therapists have discovered that she has more movement in her hands and wrists than expected. Praise God!

We are all very encouraged about this turn of events. It has been a good reminder that we do not always have a true picture of God's plan--no one expected the care center to be the best possible move right now, but God knows what He's doing.

Please keep praying for Grams' continued healing, for her breathing to improve (she's doing great but still on the traech tube), and for her to be able to use her hands.

Sunday, April 30, 2006


Mom is going to update later, but I wanted to just drop a line on here and let you all know how good God is and how much we appreciate your prayers. Grams is feeling much better (infection is under control) and much, much more encouraged. Even though this past week was hard and full of battles, I think God has already used it to remind us that He is in control and that He has great plans for us. And He has used it to help bring us deeper in our trust and in our willingness to be used. Grams herself expressed that if God can use her in her condition, well then, there you have it. We have a God of encouragement and of hope, and we were really able to claim those promises this week.

Not only is Grams feeling better, but her breathing is becoming stronger. She is no longer dependent on any additional oxygen, and the family has been given permission to take her outside on their own so that she can enjoy spring. We have decided to really go to battle on a few specific things--of course we are still praying for complete healing, but please join us in focusing on these issues when you pray for Grams:

We are praying for:
* constant encouragement and peace;
* successful removal of the trach tube and strong lungs;
* Grams to have the ability to use her hands;
* Grams to ultimately be able to go home to her own home.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Prayer needed!

We are asking today to really lift Grams up in your prayers. We feel acutely the battle we are in--against sickness, against discouragement, and against the enemy--and we know that God is more powerful than all of those. Grams is currently in rehab, but over the past week has developed a severe urinary tract infection which has made her miserable and discouraged. She has been having difficulty breathing, likely a result of the infection but the doctors are unable to determine that anything is causing it.

We ask you to pray for:
--Grams to be encouraged. Please ask God to give her hope and a smile and encouragement to continue working to get better;
--healing from her infection and that she will feel much better very quickly;
--healing of her lungs and spinal cord.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

I've been unable to get on here the past couple times I tried, so I apologize for the delay in updates. Grandma's surgery went well and her throat is clear. She is not off the trach tube yet, but we are still hoping and praying that her breathing will keep getting stronger and stronger. During her stay in the hospital one of the challenges we've faced is the constant rotation of doctors and nurses, and the myriad of opinions each has about how she is doing and what the best course of care is. Two doctors ago he was ready to take the trach tube right out, but her last doctor doesn't think she's anywhere near strong enough. Please pray for patience on our side and wisdom on theirs.

On Tuesday Grandma went into rehab, which is exciting and a little unknown as well. She wasn't feeling well yesterday, so you can pray for her to feel better and for her arm to stop hurting (as mentioned in the last entry). Also, while she's in rehab please pray for encouragement, energy, and strength for her, and that the doctors will approach her rehabilitation with the idea that she can go far.

Yesterday I got to chat with her a bit, which is perhaps my favorite improvement. In rehab my mom is able to take the speaking tube on and off, so it is much easier for her to talk and eat when she wants to. These are good things. Let's continue praying for miracles and for God to be close to us as we wait.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Today's prayer list

I will be quick, though it has been too long since the last update. Grams has been doing really well, though we have had a couple interesting new developments. Last week the doctors gave Grams one last looking-over before possibly taking the trach tube out, and they discovered that she has a blockage above the trach that is making it difficult for her to eat or breathe on the speaking valve (which allows air to go through her vocal cords and food down her throat). She has been telling them for weeks that there was something there, and we are so glad they caught it before taking out the tube! Right now she is in surgery to remove the blockage, so please pray for wisdom, sucessful surgery, and easy recovery.

Also, she has recently begun having sharp pains in her left arm. They know that her nerves are acting up to cause this, but they do not yet know whether it is bad (more damage) or good (nerves starting to fire up again). Please pray that God is working out good things and for the pain to go away.

Lastly, please pray for encouragement for Grams, Gramps, my parents, and other family who are going on their 4th month at St. Al's. Your support is so good.


Monday, March 13, 2006


On Saturday, Grams got out of the ICU! What a huge and exciting day! She has been moved into a regular hospital room for a few days (phone calls from Missy!), and when they think she is ready they will move her into rehab. Praise God!

It sounds all glorious to finally get out of the ICU, but you can imagine that some anxiety and concern might go along with such a big change, and Grams has had a hard time adjusting to the idea. It is still very hard work to be on the speaking valve, and she doesn't like it, and we really need to keep praying for her, that God will protect her emotions from depression and anxiety and give her peace. And also that He will continue to fire up her drive to improve. She has come so far, and He has done so much--let's keep praying!

I'll get pictures on here soon.