Thursday, January 19, 2006

I am going to try to remember the specific details of my conversation with Mom last night, but you might want to check the blog again later today, as my notes are sitting on our desk at home and I may need to update with more info later. Mom wanted to make sure I thank you for prayers that Grams wouldn't have nightmares, as she's been two nights without them. Keep praying!

They are working Grams hard on the speaking tube, and she is doing better each time. Improvements come both in being able to be on it longer and also in being able to talk more clearly. Let's keep her in our prayers, as this is hard work for her.

Also, please really lift up the family this weekend. Mom, Dad, and Gramps are going up to see Aunt RaVae, who, as most of you know, is very sick with cancer right now. It is very difficult for Grams to not be able to go and to be encouraging to Aunt RaVae, and I know that feeling goes both ways. This is an extremely tough situation, and we really crave your prayers for Grams and for Aunt RaVae. Today while Grams is on the speaking valve she is going to tape record a birthday message for Aunt RaVae, so really pray that she will be able to say what she wants to. There is a lot of weight on a lot of hearts!

We are praying for:
* PRAISE for continued improvement with the speaking tube and for no nightmares;
* Grams to be able to speak clearly when she records a birthday message for Aunt RaVae;
* Peace and comfort for Grams as the rest of the family go visit Aunt RaVae;
* miracles in healing and comfort for Aunt RaVae;
* peace and encouragment for Uncle Don, Kary and Scott, Joey and Rebecca, Dad and Mom, and Gramps over the weekend;
* strength for Grams' lungs;
* healing of her spinal cord.


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